Welcome to Grace Chapel
We strive to be a loving assembly of believers who follow Jesus.
Nos esforzamos por ser una comunidad amorosa de creyentes que siguen a Jesús.

Sunday Services
Fellowship/Sunday School 10:00 AM (Mountain Time)
Family Bible Hour/Sermon 11:00 AM (Mountain Time)
Meeting ID: 843 4010 4041
Call (915) 598-6035 to request passcode
Most services in English with live Spanish translation
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM Wednesday Night Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 274 110 551
Call (915) 598-6035 to request passcode

Prayer Requests
Ask for Prayers or Take a Few Minutes to Pray for Others in Need.

Local Missions
Our church offers opportunities to serve with a variety of local missions.
Please join us for Bible study and prayer every Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. as we pray for each other and our missionaries.
The Bible is the infallible Word of God and by focusing our minds on God’s Word our lives will be transformed.
Join Us for Worship
Join us Sundays at 10 am as we share God's story of love and mercy with you.
The mission of Grace Chapel is to emphasize the inspiration and authority of the Word of God (II Timothy 3:16); to seek to carry out the Great Commission through personal evangelism; the support of both home and foreign missions; the teaching of sound doctrine; the opportunity to develop spiritual gifts; giving special emphasis on worship by the weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper; the demonstration of love and unity in our fellowship; upholding all with personal and collective prayer (Acts 2:42).
Our goal is to reach the whole world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Email us today at info@gracechapelelpaso.org to find out more how you can help with local and global missions.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16" What does that mean for you? What is eternal life? How do I receive eternal life? Is it free?
Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
Join us each Wednesday night at 7:00pm.